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Medical Assistance Benefit Recovery (Archive)

State and federal funds pay for Medical Assistance (MA). The State of Minnesota uses several ways to recover the cost of health care benefits provided to enrollees. This is called benefit recovery.

Enrollees may be subject to the following types of benefit recovery depending on their eligibility basis and the type of services they receive:

  1. MA for People Who Are Age 65 or Older and People Who Are Blind or Disabled (MA-ABD) Annuities

  2. MA Cost-Effective Insurance

  3. MA Estate Recovery

  4. MA Liens

  5. MA Medical Support

  6. Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP) Overpayments

  7. MA-ABD Pooled Trusts

  8. MA Other Third Party Liability

  9. MA-ABD Special Needs Trusts