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Emergency Medical Assistance Financial Eligibility (Archive)

This subchapter provides financial policy information that applies to Emergency Medical Assistance (EMA). This includes eligibility factors that involve a person’s income or assets.

A person must meet the financial eligibility requirements that match their basis of eligibility. However, sponsor deeming does not apply to EMA. People are in one of the following eligibility groups:

This subchapter includes links to the MA-ABD and MA-FCA financial eligibility policies. Also included is a link to the TEFRA option for children who have a disability and household income above the income limit.

  1. MA-FCA Financial Eligibility

  2. MA-ABD Financial Eligibility

  3. MA under the TEFRA Option

The following do not apply to EMA:

  • MA-ABD Sponsor Deeming

  • MA-FCA Sponsor Deeming