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Medical Assistance Northstar Adoption Assistance Mandatory Verifications (Archive)

Mandatory verifications must be verified through an available electronic data source or by paper proof, if electronic data sources are unsuccessful or unavailable. Self-attestation alone is not acceptable for eligibility requirements with mandatory verifications.

Northstar Adoption Assistance must be verified to establish initial Medical Assistance (MA) eligibility or to extend MA eligibility beyond age 18.The following is acceptable proof:

  • Copy of the Adoption Assistance Agreement

  • Adoption Assistance Agreement Amendment indicating an Adoption Assistance extension beyond age 18. The amendment lists a new end date for adoption assistance.

  • The Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance (ICAMA) Form 6.01 and Adoption Assistance Agreement for ICAMA children receiving Adoption Assistance. See MHCP Interstate Residency Agreements policy for more information about ICAMA.

  • Report of Change in Child/Family Status (ICAMA Form 6.03) indicating an Adoption Assistance extension beyond age 18. The form lists a new end date for Adoption Assistance.

Social Security Number

A Social Security Number is required for Non-Title IV-E Adoption Assistance. See MA Social Security Number policy for more information.

A Social Security Number is not required for children receiving:

  • Title IV-E Adoption Assistance

  • Title IV-E and Non-Title IV-E-funded ICAMA

The county, tribal or state servicing agency must assist people in obtaining verification.

Legal Citations

Code of Federal Regulations, title 42, section 435.145

Code of Federal Regulations, title 42, section 435.227

Minnesota Statutes, section 256B.055