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Minnesota Family Planning Program Presumptive Eligibility (Archive)

Presumptive eligibility is a temporary period of eligibility that is determined at a certified MFPP provider’s office using preliminary information. Temporary eligibility lasts until the end of the month after the month the person is granted presumptive eligibility.

The applicant completes the MFPP Application (DHS-4740) at the certified MFPP provider’s office. The provider reviews the application and either approves or denies temporary eligibility.


Presumptive eligibility is determined using gross income or a reasonable estimate of household income.

For applicants younger than age 21, only their income is considered when making an eligibility determination.

Household Composition

Household composition for applicants age 21 and older includes the applicant, spouse, and biological, natural, adoptive and step children younger than age 21 who live with the applicant. See the MHCP Temporary Absence policy for more information about household members who are temporarily living apart.

Household size for applicants younger than age 21 includes the applicant, spouse and biological, natural, adoptive and stepchildren younger than age 21 who live with the applicant.


The provider gives the applicant a MFPP Short-Term Approval Notice or a MFPP Short-Term Denial Notice. The provider then submits the application form to Department of Human Services (DHS) Health Care Eligibility Operations for a full eligibility determination.


Applicants cannot appeal a denial of MFPP presumptive eligibility. They may appeal a denial of a full eligibility determination following the Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP) Appeals policy.

End Date

Temporary eligibility lasts until the end of the month after the month the person is granted presumptive eligibility.

Certified Providers

People may search for a certified provider in the Minnesota Health Care Program Provider Directory using the provider type “Family Planning Services” and sub type “Certified MFPP Provider.”

General information about MFPP is available in the Minnesota Family Planning Program brochure (DHS-4750).

Legal Citations

Minnesota Rules, parts 9505.5300 to 9505.5325

Minnesota Statutes, section 256B.78