This is an archived document and does not contain the most current information for this topic. Use this document for reference only.
Minnesota Health Care Programs
Eligibility Policy Manual (Archived)
Welcome to the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) Minnesota Health Care Programs Eligibility Policy Manual (EPM).The manual contains the official DHS eligibility policies for the Minnesota Health Care Programs including Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare. Minnesota Health Care Programs policies are based on the state and federal laws and regulations that govern the programs. See Legal Authority section for more information.
The EPM is for use by applicants, enrollees, health care eligibility workers and other interested parties. It provides accurate and timely information about policy only. The EPM does not provide procedural instructions or systems information that health care eligibility workers need to use.
Manual Letters
DHS issues periodic manual letters to announce changes in the EPM. These letters document updated sections and describe any policy changes
MHCP EPM Manual Letter #23.1, January 1, 2023
DHS bulletins provide information and direction to county and tribal health and human services agencies and other DHS business partners. According to DHS policy, bulletins more than two years old are obsolete. Anyone can subscribe to the Bulletins mailing list.
A DHS Bulletin supersedes information in this manual until incorporated into this manual. The following bulletins have not yet been incorporated into the EPM:
- Bulletin #21-21-09, DHS Explains Changes to the Evaluation of Transfers to Pooled Trusts for MA-LTC and AC
- Bulletin #22-21-02 DHS Announces the Increase in Medical Assistance Spenddown Standard for Certain People
- Bulletin #22-21-04 DHS Announces a Change to the Income Methodology for Medical Assistance, MinnesotaCare and Minnesota Family Planning Program
- Bulletin #22-21-05 DHS Explains Treatment of Minnesota’s Public Program Frontline Worker Payments
- Bulletin #22-21-06 DHS Explains Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolee’s Eligibility for Minnesota Health Care Programs
- Bulletin #22-21-07 DHS Announces the Extension of MinnesotaCare Premium Reductions through 2025
- Bulletin #22-21-08 DHS Explains Treatment of Post 9/11 Veteran Service Bonus Payments for Minnesota Health Care Programs
- Bulletin #22-21-09 DHS Announces Changes to Annuities Evaluation for MA-LTC and AC Eligibility
COVID-19 Emergency Bulletins: These bulletins announce temporary policy modifications, which supercede policies in this manual, during the COVID-19 emergency. Because these bulletins provide temporary guidance, they will not be incorporated into this manual.
- Bulletin #20-21-02, DHS Announces Temporary Policy Changes to Minnesota Health Care Programs During the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
- Bulletin #20-21-03, DHS Announces Medical Assistance for COVID-19 Testing of Uninsured Individuals
- Bulletin #20-21-04, DHS Explains Treatment of Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act Payments for Minnesota Health Care Programs
- Bulletin #20-21-05, DHS Explains Treatment of Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation Payments for Minnesota Health Care Programs
- Bulletin #20-21-06, DHS Explains Treatment of State, Local and Tribal COVID-19 Relief Payments for Minnesota Health Care Programs
- Bulletin #20-21-10, DHS Announces Updates to Temporary Policies for Minnesota Health Care Programs during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
- Bulletin #20-21-13, DHS Announces a Change to Processing PARIS Interstate Matches for MHCP Enrollees During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
- Bulletin #20-21-14, DHS Explains Treatment of Coronavirus Response Payments under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, for Minnesota Health Care Programs
- Bulletin #21-21-02, DHS Explains Treatment of Coronavirus Response Payments under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, for MHCP
- Bulletin #21-21-03, DHS Explains Treatment of PUA and PEUC for Minnesota Health Care Programs
- Bulletin #21-21-04, DHS Explains Redetermination and Closure of MHCP for Enrollees Not Validly Enrolled due to Fraud or Agency Error
- Bulletin #21-21-05, DHS Announces a Change to the MAGI Methodology for Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare
- Bulletin #21-21-06 DHS Announces MinnnesotaCare Premium Reductions for 2021 and 2022
- Bulletin #21-21-07 DHS Explains Redetermination and Closure of MHCP for Enrollees Not Validly Enrolled due to Abuse
- Bulletin #21-21-08 DHS Explains Treatment of RentHelpMN Assistance and Child Tax Credit Payments for Minnesota Health Care Programs
Prior versions of EPM sections are available upon request. This manual consolidates and updates eligibility policy previously found in the Health Care Programs Manual (HCPM) and Insurance Affordability Programs Manual (IAPM). Prior versions of policy from the HCPM and IAPM are available upon request.
Refer to the EPM Archive for archived sections of the EPM.
Contact Us
Direct questions about the Minnesota Health Care Programs Eligibility Policy Manual to the DHS Health Care Eligibility and Access (HCEA) Division, P.O. Box 64989, 540 Cedar Street, St. Paul, MN 55164-0989, call (888) 938-3224 or fax (651) 431-7423.
Health care eligibility workers must follow agency procedures to submit policy-related questions to HealthQuest.
Legal Authority
Many legal authorities govern Minnesota Health Care Programs, including but not limited to: Title XIX of the Social Security Act; Titles 26, 42 and 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations; and Minnesota Statutes chapters 256B and 256L. In addition, DHS has obtained waivers of certain federal regulations from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Each topic in the EPM includes applicable legal citations at the bottom of the page.
DHS has made every effort to include all applicable statutes, laws, regulations and other presiding authorities; however, erroneous citations or omissions do not imply that there are no applicable legal citations or other presiding authorities. The EPM provides program eligibility policy and should not be construed as legal advice.