Japanese Persecution Payments (Archive)

The Dutch government makes payments under the Netherlands' Act on Benefits for Victims of Persecution 1940-1945. These payments are sometimes called ”WUV” payments. WUV payments are made to victims of Nazi persecution and to victims of Japanese persecution.

These payments are for both Dutch and non-Dutch people who, during the German and Japanese occupation of the Netherlands and Netherlands East Indies (now the Republic of Indonesia) in World War II, were victims of persecution.

Exclude WUV payments to victims of Nazi persecution for all health care programs.

See Excluded Income.

Treat WUV payments for victims of Japanese persecution as follows:

l  MA Method A and MinnesotaCare:  Count WUV payment to victims of Japanese persecution as unearned income.

l  MA Method B, GAMC, MA-EPD, MSP, and LTC:  Exclude WUV payments to victims of Japanese persecution.

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