MinnesotaCare Income Changes (Archive)

Changes must be reported following policy found in Income Changes and the policy explained in this section for MinnesotaCare (MCRE).

Income Change - Renewal.

Income Change - Between Renewals.

Substantial Change.

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Income Change - Renewal

Act on all income changes reported at renewal.

Require verification of income at renewal whether reported prior to or at renewal.

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Income Change - Between Renewals

Clients are required to report changes in income within 10 days of the change.  

Act immediately on an income change when reported.  

l  Households that voluntarily cancel coverage due to active military duty may re-enroll following the tour of duty without regard to increases in income or assets. Increases in income or assets reported at time of or after re-enrollment are disregarded until the household’s annual renewal.

l  Provide 10-day notice of any negative actions.  

l  Verification of an income change is not required.

l  Update MMIS information to decrease or increase the premium amount.

l  Document changes in case notes.

Ellen contacts her worker and reports she has received a wage increase.

Act upon the change immediately.  Provide 10-day notice for any negative actions, including an increase in premium amount.

On May 21, Rita calls to report her husband, Karl, left the household. Karl did not have coverage, but his income was counted to determine the household's premium.

Act to remove Karl's income and decrease the household size immediately.

Anthony calls his worker to report that his Unemployment Insurance (UI) stopped and he began a job. The wages he reports from the job are higher than the UI and would result in an increased premium.

Act on the change to increase Anthony’s premium giving 10-day notice.

Jackson reports changes in his household's employment. He received a raise, but his wife started a new job at a lower hourly rate. The combined effect of the two changes is decreased household income that would result in a lower premium.

Act on the income changes immediately.

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Substantial Change

When self-employment income changes check to see if it is:

l  A normal fluctuation. This is not considered substantial change.

l  The nature or scope of the business has changed.

When the nature or scope of a business creates an income change:

n  Request business records covering the time period since the last tax return was filed, or who did not file taxes from clients who report a substantial change in income.


Mr. Jones is a dairy farmer. He sold half his herd at the end of the last tax year. His income for the coming year is expected to be about one-half of the previous year’s income.


Consider this to be a substantial change. Use current business records to determine income. Also determine whether Mr. Jones received countable capital gains from the sale of his herd.

n  If the client asks for assistance determining whether or not there has been a substantial change, determine whether the change affects:

m Group status.

m Eligibility for children with a fixed premium.


Ms. Anderson and her children are enrolled in MCRE. She owns a beauty shop. Her income for the last tax year was over 150% FPG. At the time of her annual renewal, she reports that her earnings have significantly decreased. Based on her current business records, projected income is now below 150% FPG.


This is a substantial change. Her children’s group status will change to Group 1 and they will now be eligible for a fixed premium.

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