Earned Income Disregard - MA Method B (Archive)

For clients using MA Method B to calculate income disregard the first $65 of earned income and then one half of the remaining earned income.

l  This disregard does not have a time limit.

l  If another person's income is deemed to the client, apply the disregard to the total combined gross countable earned income. See Deeming of Assets and Income.

Note:  If a person who uses Method B due to disability has impairment-related work expenses, deduct the impairment-related work expenses after the $65 work incentive disregard but before deducting one-half of the remaining earned income.


Norm and his wife Marge apply for MA using Method B. Both are 67 years old and employed part time. Norm earns $200 per month. Marge earns $500 per month.


To determine each person's eligibility, start with the combined total gross income of $700 because they each deem their income to the other because they are married. First subtract $65 for a total of $635. Then subtract half of the remaining earned income.  $635 – $317.50 = $317.50.

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