Spenddown Standards (Archive)

Clients in the community, whose total net countable income is greater than the applicable non-spenddown Federal Poverty Guideline (FPG), must have their eligibility calculated using a FPG spenddown standard.

Which FPG spenddown standard to use is based on the client’s basis of eligibility and method of calculating income. There are two spenddown standards:

l  100% FPG:  Use this spenddown standard for clients using Method A income calculations. These are completed for people using a families and children basis of eligibility.

l  75% FPG:  Use this spenddown standard for clients using Method B calculations. These are completed for people using the blind, disabled or age 65 and over bases of eligibility.

Note:  There is not a spenddown standard for the Medicare Savings Programs or GAMC because these programs do not allow a spenddown.

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