Manual Letter #50

This manual letter lists new and revised material for the Health Care Programs Manual. Unless otherwise noted, new and revised instructions are effective May 1, 2012.

This manual letter incorporates Bulletin #11-21-08, "Coordinating Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare for Adults Without Children," and Bulletin #12-21-03, "Simplifying the MinnesotaCare Income Verification Process."

Manual Letter #50 also includes minor revisions to state residence, other health coverage barriers for MinnesotaCare, self-employment assets, excess assets, Medical Assistance (MA) for Adults Without Children and self-employment entertainment expenses.


Chapter 03 - Eligibility Groups and Bases of Eligibility

Incorporates Bulletin #11-21-08.

Chapter 07 - Applications

Incorporates Bulletin #12-21-03 and updates examples related to MA for Adults Without Children.

Chapter 09 - Applications

Incorporates Bulletin #12-21-03.

Chapter 13 - State and County Residence

Updates policy related to overlapping MA coverage from another state.

Chapter 15 - Third Party Liability (TPL)

Updates the list of other health coverage that is not considered a barrier to MinnesotaCare eligibility.

Chapter 19 - Assets

Provides additional instructions regarding MinnesotaCare and MA Method A assets.

Chapter 20 - Income

Incorporates Bulletin #12-21-03 and adds clarification regarding self-employment entertainment expenses.

Chapter 21 - Income Calculation (Community).

Incorporates Bulletin #12-21-03.


Adds a new term to the glossary.

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Chapter 03 - Eligibility Groups and Bases of Eligibility

l  Section 03.20.15 - MinnesotaCare for Children Under 21

Incorporates Bulletin #11-21-08 by adding instructions to screen all children enrolled in MinnesotaCare who turn 21 for MA for adults without children.

l  Section 03.20.20 - MinnesotaCare for Adults With Children

Incorporates Bulletin #11-21-08 by adding instructions to screen all MinnesotaCare adults with children who lose their parent or caretaker status for MA for adults without children.

l  Section 03.20.25 - MinnesotaCare for Adults Without Children

Incorporates Bulletin #11-21-08 by clarifying when to screen adults without children who apply for or are enrolled in MinnesotaCare for MA for adults without children.

l  Section 03.50 - Medical Assistance for Adults Without Children

Incorporates Bulletin #11-21-08 by adding a requirement to screen children enrolled in MinnesotaCare who turn 21 for MA for adults without children. Additionally, requires as a condition of eligibility that clients who reapply  for MA for adults without children after it is cancelled or denied for failure to cooperate with a SMRT or SSA determination to provide a verbal or written statement that they will cooperate with the disability determination process.

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Chapter 07 - Applications

l  Section 07.20.10 - Pending an Application

Incorporates Bulletin #12-21-03 by updating an example that references MinnesotaCare income verification to include the use of electronic income verification.

l  Section 07.20.25 - Eligibility Begin Date.

Updates two examples to include the possibility of eligibility under an MA for adults without children basis of eligibility.

l  Section 07.20.30 - Retroactive MinnesotaCare

Incorporates Bulletin #12-21-03 by updating an example to include the use of electronic income verification.

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Chapter 09 - Verification Requirements

l  Section 09.15 - Obtaining Verifications.

Incorporates Bulletin #12-21-03 by clarifying how electronic data sources can be used to assist clients in verifying income. Also removes a reference to DHS-2114, Request for Medical Opinion, a form that was created by the cash and food programs and is intended to be used for those programs only.

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Chapter 13 - State and County Residence

l  Section 13.05 - State Residence for Medical Assistance (MA) and MinnesotaCare.

Removes the requirement to obtain a release of information from a client who has overlapping MA coverage through another state. Additionally, removes language that incorrectly implies that a client must have an intent to make Minnesota his or her home in order to meet the residency requirement.

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Chapter 15 - Third Party Liability (TPL)

l  Section 15.05.05 - Types of Other Health Coverage for MinnesotaCare.

Adds federally or state-funded health insurance through another state as health care coverage that is not considered a barrier to MinnesotaCare eligibility.

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Chapter 19 - Assets

l  Section 19.10.05 - Self Employment Excluded Assets.

Adds instructions to contact MinnesotaCare and MA Method A applicants who report having self-employment assets with a net value that exceeds $200,000.

l  Section 19.35.05 - MinnesotaCare Excess Assets.

Aligns policy in this section with other parts of the HCPM by adding instructions to contact MinnesotaCare clients who report having excess assets to inquire about additional asset encumbrances and federal tax refunds.

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Chapter 20 - Income

l  Section 20.10 - Verification of Income.

Incorporates Bulletin #12-21-03 by updating instructions regarding the verification of wage and unearned income for MinnesotaCare to include the use of electronic income verification. Also moves information about how to count unemployment insurance income for MinnesotaCare from this section to HCPM Section 21.10, MinnesotaCare Gross Income Determination.

l  Section - MinnesotaCare Self-Employment Income.

Incorporates Bulletin #12-21-03 by clarifying that W-2 wage statements are no longer required with taxes if they will not be used to verify wage income.

l  Section - Travel, Transportation and Entertainment Expenses.

Provides clarification that personal and business entertainment expenses are not allowed for MA Method A.

l  Section 20.25.25 - Seasonal Income.

Incorporates Bulletin #12-21-03 by updating instructions for the verification of new seasonal employment income to include the use of electronic income verification.

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Chapter 21 - Income Calculation (Community)

l  Section 21.10 - MinnesotaCare Gross Income Determination.

Incorporates Bulletin #12-21-03 by removing references to the 30-day income verification requirement and adding information about electronic income verification. Additionally adds instructions on how to count unemployment insurance income for MinnesotaCare that was moved from HCPM 20.10, Verification of Income.

l  Section 21.10.05 - MinnesotaCare Income Calculation

Incorporates Bulletin #12-21-03 by removing references to the 30-day income verification requirement and adding information about the use of electronic income verification in calculating MinnesotaCare Income .

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l  Glossary M-R - Adds the definition for the new term, reasonably compatible.

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