Manual Letter #52

This manual letter lists new and revised material for the Health Care Programs Manual. Unless otherwise noted, new and revised instructions are effective July 1, 2012.

This manual letter updates policy regarding MinnesotaCare and Medical Assistance (MA) household composition and a continuous period of institutionalization. Manual Letter #52 also introduces the Combined Annual Renewal for Certain Populations.


Chapter 3 - Eligibility Groups and Bases of Eligibility

Clarifies MinnesotaCare household composition policy for households that include a child whose custody alternates equally between separated or divorced parents. Additionally, clarifies the parental status of a husband of a pregnant woman on MinnesotaCare and when an MA determination is needed for MinnesotaCare adults.

Chapter 8 - Renewals

Provides information about the new Combined Annual Renewal for Certain Populations.

Chapter 17 - Household Composition

Clarifies MA household composition policy for households that include a child who lives equally with separated or divorced parents.

Chapter 19 - Assets

Updates policy related to a continuous period of institutionalization.

Chapter 22 - Standards and Guidelines

Provides updated Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association (MCHA) premium information..


Revises the definition of a continuous period of institutionalization.


Adds the Combined Annual Renewal for Certain Populations.

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Chapter 3 - Eligibility Groups and Bases of Eligibility

l  Section 03.20.05 - MinnesotaCare for Pregnant Women.

Removes a statement that incorrectly implied that the husband of a pregnant woman is not counted in the woman's MA household. Replaced this with a statement that clarifies a husband of a pregnant woman is considered a parent for MinnesotaCare even if he does not have other children in the household.

l  Section 03.20.15 - MinnesotaCare for Children Under 21.

Adds clarification that children whose custody alternates equally between separated or divorced parents are counted in both parents' MinnesotaCare household.

l  Section 03.20.20 - MinnesotaCare for Adults With Children.

Clarifies that children whose custody alternates equally between separated or divorced parents are counted in both parents’ MinnesotaCare household.

Additionally, removes a statement that incorrectly implied that the husband of a pregnant woman is not counted in the woman’s MA household. Replaced this with a statement that clarifies a husband of a pregnant woman is considered a parent even if he does not have other children in the household.

This section also revises worker instructions to determine MA eligibility for MinnesotaCare applicants and enrollees who lose parent or caretaker status and report income at or below 75% FPG.

l  Section 03.20.25 - MinnesotaCare for Adults Without Children

Revises worker instructions to determine MA eligibility for MinnesotaCare enrollees who report changes at renewal or between renewals that may result in eligibility for MA for adults without children.

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Chapter 8 - Renewals

l  Section 08.10 - Renewal Forms.

Adds the Combined Annual Renewal for Certain Populations (DHS-3727) to the list of applications that can be used to renew eligibility in place of the Minnesota Health Care Programs Renewal (DHS-3418). Also, provides information about which enrollees will receive the Combined Annual Renewal for Certain Populations.

l  Section 08.25.05 - Processing MA Annual Renewals.

Clarifies that workers should not request verification of Social Security Income. Instructs workers to use the State Verification and Exchange System (SVES) to verify Social Security Income.

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Chapter 17 - Household Composition

l  Section 17.05 - Determining Household Size for MA.

Clarifies that a child whose time is equally divided between separated or divorced parents should be counted in the MA household of the parent who applies first. If the child is not counted in that parent's household, he or she can be counted in the other parent’s MA household.

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Chapter 19 - Assets

l  Section 19.45 - Asset Assessments.

Adds that a combination of a stay in a Long-Term Care Facility (LTCF) and receipt of services that would qualify for payment by the Elderly Waiver or Alternative Care programs that is at least 30 consecutive days would also be considered a period of continuous institutionalization.

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Chapter 22 - Standards and Guidelines

l  Section 22.15 - Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association (MCHA) Premiums.

Updates MCHA Premiums effective for the period of July 1, 2012, through June 30, 2013.

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l  Glossary A-F

Revises the definition of Continuous Period of Institutionalization to include a combination of a stay in a LTCF and receipt of services that would qualify for payment by the Elderly Waiver or Alternative Care programs that is at least 30 consecutive days.

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l  DHS-3727:  Combined Annual Renewal for Certain Populations (new).

This new annual renewal form will be sent to enrollees who meet the following criteria:

n  Are age 18 and older.

n  Are enrolled in Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP), Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or Group Residential Housing (GRH).

n  Have a household size of one, or two, if married and living together.

n  Have all household members receiving SSI or SSI/RSDI combination income exclusively.

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