Manual Letter #66

This manual letter lists new and revised material for the Health Care Programs Manual. Unless otherwise noted, new and revised instructions are effective March 1, 2014.

This manual letter revises policy for Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities (MA-EPD) to clarify that good cause cannot be requested for the late payment of the initial premium payment. Good cause may be requested only for the late payment of subsequent MA-EPD premiums.

Manual Letter #66 also removes information indicating that enrollees in certain counties cannot enroll in Special Needs Basic Care (SNBC). Beginning as of January 1, 2014, enrollment in SNBC is available in all counties for individuals who meet the necessary criteria.


Chapter 3 - Eligibility Groups and Bases of Eligibility

Updates information relating to SNBC enrollment.

Chapter 25 - Premiums

Revises policy for good cause of MA-EPD premiums.

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Chapter 3 - Eligibility Groups and Bases of Eligibility

l  Section 03.30.10 - Medical Assistance for People With Blindness

Removes text indicating that enrollees in certain counties are excluded from SNBC enrollment.

l  Section 03.30.15 - Medical Assistance for People With a Disability

Removes text indicating that enrollees in certain counties are excluded from SNBC enrollment.

l  Section 03.30.30 - Medical Assistance for 1619(a) and 1619(b)

Removes text indicating that enrollees in certain counties are excluded from SNBC enrollment.

l  Section 03.30.35 - Medical Assistance for People Receiving Minnesota Supplemental Aid

Removes text indicating that enrollees in certain counties are excluded from SNBC enrollment.

l  Section 03.40.05 - Community Alternative Care

Removes text indicating that enrollees in certain counties are excluded from SNBC enrollment.

l  Section 03.40.10 - Community Alternatives for Disabled Individuals

Removes text indicating that enrollees in certain counties are excluded from SNBC enrollment.

l  Section 03.40.15 - Developmental Disabilities

Removes text indicating that enrollees in certain counties are excluded from SNBC enrollment.

l  Section 03.40.20 - Brain Injury

Removes text indicating that enrollees in certain counties are excluded from SNBC enrollment.

l  Section 03.45.20 - Group Residential Housing

Removes text indicating that enrollees in certain counties are excluded from SNBC enrollment.

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Chapter 25 - Premiums

l  Section 25.10.05 - Initial MA-EPD Premiums

Removes instruction to include information about claiming good cause when sending a denial notice for the denial of MA-EPD as a result of not paying the initial premium by its due date.

l  Section 25.10.25 - MA-EPD Good Cause for Late Payment

Adds information that a client cannot claim good cause for the late payment of the initial premium. Good cause can only be requested for the late payment of subsequent premiums.

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