Medical Assistance for People Who Are Age 65 or Older or People Who Are Blind or Have a Disability Assets

Assets are items of value that people own like bank accounts, stocks and bonds, cars, and real estate. The asset provisions contained in this subchapter apply to all people who are using a Medical Assistance for People Who Are Age 65 or Older and People Who Are Blind or Have a Disability (MA-ABD) basis of eligibility unless otherwise specified in this chapter.

Categories of Assets

Assets fall into two categories, excluded and countable.

  • Excluded assets: Certain types and amounts of assets are excluded and do not count against a person’s asset limit. Any assets that are not specifically excluded are countable.

  • Countable assets: Countable assets are evaluated for availability and may count towards the person’s asset limit.

    • Available assets: count against the asset limit

    • Unavailable assets: do not count against the asset limit

This subchapter provides policy about a person’s assets under one of the bases of eligibility for MA-ABD.

  1. MA-ABD Household Composition and Family Size

  2. MA-ABD Asset Limits

  3. MA-ABD Asset Deeming

  4. MA-ABD Excluded Assets

  5. MA-ABD Countable Assets

  6. MA-ABD Unknown Assets

  7. MA-ABD Excess Assets

  8. MA-ABD Asset Evaluation