
3.1.2 Responsibilities

MinnesotaCare applicants and enrollees have rights and responsibilities under various laws. These policies apply to MinnesotaCare applicants and enrollees.

Information about rights and responsibilities is part of the online and paper applications, various forms, eligibility notices, and brochures. Such information is in plain language and accessible to people with limited English proficiency (LEP) and people with disabilities.

This subchapter includes policies that apply to MinnesotaCare and links to policies that apply to all Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP).

  1. MHCP Change in Circumstances

  2. MinnesotaCare Cooperation

  3. MHCP Fraud

  4. MHCP Inconsistent Information

  5. MinnesotaCare Mandatory Verifications

  6. MHCP Overpayments

  7. MinnesotaCare Premiums and Cost Sharing