Effective: December 1, 2006 |
06ar1 - Client Responsibilities (Archive) |
Archived: March 1, 2008 |
In addition to rights, all clients have responsibilities under various laws. It is a worker's responsibility to inform clients of their rights and responsibilities.
How to Inform Clients of Responsibilities.
What are a Client’s Responsibilities?
How to Inform Clients of Responsibilities
Applications, forms, notices and brochures provide information on clients' rights and responsibilities. Also provide oral information when appropriate.
A form a worker may want to provide to the client is Client Responsibilities and Rights (DHS-4163).
What are a Client’s Responsibilities?
Clients' responsibilities include:
l Providing accurate and complete information about eligibility factors.
l Completing applications and necessary forms truthfully.
l Reporting changes timely.
l Providing needed verifications.
l Cooperating with Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA).
l Cooperating in meeting the eligibility requirements of each program.
Note: An overview of specific situations of when a client must cooperate are provided in this chapter with links to the more specific information within this manual.
For more specific information see:
Client Responsibilities – Cooperation.
Client Responsibilities - Changes in Circumstances.