Effective: November 1, 2008 |
08.05ar2 - Renewal Exemptions (Archive) |
Archived: July 1, 2009 |
Some enrollees are exempt from renewal for a certain period of time, or while using a specific basis of eligibility. This section provides information on exempt enrollees.
Renewal Exemptions - MinnesotaCare (MCRE) and Medical Assistance (MA).
Renewal Exemptions - Medical Assistance (MA).
Renewal Exemptions - General Assistance Medical Care (GAMC).
Renewal Exemptions - Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA).
Renewal Exemptions – MCRE and MA
Auto newborns are exempt from all renewal requirements through the month of their first birthday.
l For MCRE: Continue eligibility when the exemption ends until the next scheduled renewal.
l For MA: Renew eligibility when the exemption ends. Renew for the month following the month of the first birthday.
The following people do not have an MA/GAMC annual renewal until specified:
l Pregnant women. Renew eligibility for the month following the month in which postpartum ends.
l People receiving TYMA, unless a scheduled renewal is due when TYMA is ending.
l Title IV-E or State adoption assistance. The renewal of the adoption agreement must be verified annually.
There are no renewals for GAMC Hospital Only (GHO). GHO eligibility is granted only for the time that the enrollee is hospitalized as an inpatient.
Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) enrollees are exempt from six-month renewals.