Home > 13 State and County Residence
*** The Health Care Programs Manual (HCPM) has been replaced by the Minnesota Health Care Programs Eligibility Policy Manual (EPM) as of June 1, 2016. Please refer to the EPM for current health care program policy information. ***
Effective: June 1, 2011 |
Archived: June 1, 2016 (Previous Versions) |
This chapter explains how state residence affects eligibility for specific health care programs and populations. It also covers procedures for determining which county is financially responsible for MA administrative costs.
State Residence Requirements for MA and MinnesotaCare explains the federal Medicaid residence rules.
MinnesotaCare Adults Without Children covers requirements for this population.
Temporary Absence from Minnesota covers all of the health care programs.
County Residence covers determining the county of financial responsibility, excluded time, county transfers, and dispute resolution.