Effective: December 1, 2006 |
20.30ar1 - Income Changes (Archive) |
Archived: March 1, 2009 |
Clients are required to report changes in income. Income changes can occur when a client or other household member:
l Starts or ends a new job.
l Receives a wage increase or decrease.
l An unearned income source ends or begins.
This chapter contains policy on when income changes must be reported, when a change is acted upon and how to process a change. All of these change components vary by program.
Income Changes - Reporting Requirements.
Income Changes - Reporting Requirements
For all programs, income changes must be reported within 10 days of the date the change becomes known.
For MA and GAMC only:
l Households who use a monthly manual spenddown must submit monthly income reports.
l Other households must submit income reports every six months.
l Some households are exempt from six-month reporting requirements.
See the following sections for more specific program details regarding income changes.