This manual letter lists new and revised material for the Health Care Programs Manual (HCPM). Unless otherwise noted, new and revised instructions are effective April 1, 2010.
Chapter 04 - Social Security Administration (SSA) Benefits.
Updates to this chapter include incorporating bulletin #09-21-16, Social Security Administration (SSA) Data to Initiate Application for Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP) and additional information received from SSA.
Changes to this chapter include incorporating bulletin #09-21-16, Social Security Administration (SSA) Data to Initiate Application for Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP).
Chapter 09 - Verification Requirements.
Minor clarifications.
Chapter 11 - Citizenship and Immigration Status.
Change in address for the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
Minor clarifications to several sections.
Chapter 22 - Standards and Guidelines.
Minor clarifications.
Chapter 30 - Other Related Programs.
Changes include incorporating information from bulletin #10-14-01, HIV/AIDS Programs (Program HH) Update, and clarify the Energy Assistance Program (EAP).
Chapter 04 - Social Security Administration (SSA) Benefits
l Section 04.40.10 - Medicare Part B.
Adds information received from SSA that some people may see a small change to their Medicare Part B premium based on how SSA calculates the premium.
l Section 04.40.20 - Medicare Part D.
n Incorporates bulletin #09-21-16, Social Security Administration (SSA) Data to Initiate Application for Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP).
n Explains that people who apply for Extra Help through SSA can choose to have their application data transmitted to DHS to initiate an application for MA or Medicare Savings Programs.
Changes to this chapter incorporate bulletin #09-21-16, Social Security Administration (SSA) Data to Initiate Application for Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP).
l Section 07.05 - How to Apply.
Adds information about the Senior LinkAge Line as a resource for help with applications for clients applying for Extra Help through SSA who request MHCP.
l Section 07.05.05 - Applications for Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP).
Adds a subsection to clarify the application process for those applications resulting from an application for Extra Help with SSA.
l Section 07.05.10 - Application Required.
Explains that SSA data transmitted to DHS is considered a request for coverage. DHS will automatically mail a Minnesota Health Care Programs Application (HCAPP) to each client referred from SSA.
l Section 07.20.05 - Date of Application.
Clarifies that the date of the MHCP application is the date that the client applied for Extra Help through SSA.
l Section 07.20.10 - Pending an Application.
Clarifies the process for pending an application received via an SSA data transmittal.
l Section 07.20.15 - Processing Periods.
Clarifies that the processing period for an application resulting from an SSA Extra Help application starts when the agency receives the data transmittal from SSA.
l Section 07.20.40 - Shared or Transferred Applications.
Clarifies that a county should not transfer an application to MinnesotaCare after denying MA for a person whose application data was originally transmitted from SSA, unless the applicant is under age 21.
l Section 07.20.45 - How to Transfer and Receive an Application.
Provides additional information on the application date for Extra Help applications.
l Section 07.20.55 - Informed Choice.
Clarifies informed choice policy for clients who have their application data sent to DHS because of applying for Extra Help.
l Section 07.30 - Case Notes.
Provides case note text that should be entered to record the Extra Help application date.
Chapter 09 - Verification Requirements
l Section 09 - Verification Requirements.
n Adds a reminder that the Request for Information (DHS-3271) may be used to request information or verifications that are needed to determine initial or continued health care eligibility.
n Removes definitions and adds links to the glossary definition of terms within the section.
Chapter 11 - Citizenship and Immigration Status
l Section 11.10.05 - Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE).
Updates the address for the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
l Section 20.15 - No Income Reported.
Provides additional detail regarding pending MinnesotaCare eligibility at application or renewal when clients fail to respond to a request for information or verification.
l Section 20.25.05 - Excluded Income.
Clarifies that the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is called the Energy Assistance Program (EAP) in Minnesota.
l Section 20.25.40 - Child Support.
Provides additional detail to explain that child support received monthly should be calculated based on payments received in the past 30 days, while sporadic child support should be calculated based on the payments received in the past 12 months.
l Section 22.55 - Medicare Cost Sharing Amounts.
Adds information received from SSA that some people may see a small change to their Medicare Part B premium based on how SSA calculates the premium.
Chapter 30 - Other Related Programs
l Section 30.10 - Medical Needs.
n Incorporates information from bulletin #10-14-01, HIV/AIDS Programs (Program HH) Update.
n Clarifies that the HIV/AIDS insurance program does not pay premiums for COBRA conversion policies.
n Clarifies that drug reimbursement for Medicare eligible people depends on the person’s income.
n Updates the payment amount for the HIV/AIDS nutrition program to $100 (formerly was $160) and clarifies providers who may prescribe them.
l Section 30.25 - Housing-Related Assistance.
n Changes the name of this section from Residence-Related Needs to Housing-Related Assistance, to more appropriately describe the content of this section.
n Clarifies that the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is called the Energy Assistance Program (EAP) in Minnesota.