This manual letter lists new and revised material for the Health Care Programs Manual. Unless otherwise noted, new and revised instructions are effective May 1, 2010.
Chapter 03 - Eligibility Groups and Bases of Eligibility.
Updates to this chapter clarify the exceptions to creditable coverage for MA-BC applicants and enrollees. Also clarifies that asset transfers by applicants, enrollees or their spouses could result in a transfer penalty for the waiver programs.
Chapter 11 - Citizenship and Immigration Status.
Changes to this chapter clarify the documentation requirements.
Chapter 15 - Third Party Liability.
Clarification made regarding past access to ESI.
Clarifications made in the sections related to trusts.
Minor clarifications to several sections.
Chapter 23 - MA Payment of Long-Term Care (LTC) Services.
Changes incorporate information from bulletin #10-21-04, "Modified Requirements for the MA Deduction for Medical Expenses in the LTC Income Calculation."
Chapter 03 - Eligibility Groups and Bases of Eligibility
l Section 03.40.05 - Community Alternative Care (CAC).
Change to Asset Guidelines to clarify that asset transfers by applicants, enrollees or their spouses could result in a transfer penalty.
l Section 03.40.10 - Community Alternatives for Disabled Individuals (CADI).
Change to Asset Guidelines to clarify that asset transfers by applicants, enrollees or their spouses could result in a transfer penalty.
l Section 03.40.15 - Developmental Disabilities (DD).
Change to Asset Guidelines to clarify that asset transfers by applicants, enrollees or their spouses could result in a transfer penalty.
l Section 03.40.20 - Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
Change to Asset Guidelines to clarify that asset transfers by applicants, enrollees or their spouses could result in a transfer penalty.
l Section 03.40.25 - Elderly Waiver (EW).
Change to Asset Guidelines to clarify that asset transfers by applicants, enrollees or their spouses could result in a transfer penalty.
l Section 03.45.30 - MA for Breast/Cervical Cancer (MA-BC).
Clarifies the exception to creditable coverage for MA-BC applicants and enrollees.
Chapter 11 - Citizenship and Immigration Status
l Section 11.05.10 - Process for Documentation of U.S. Citizenship and Identity.
Deletes repetitive language under Worker Checklist and Case Notes.
Chapter 15 - Third Party Liability
l Section 15.05 - MinnesotaCare Other Health Care Coverage Barriers.
Clarifies that people who have had access to employer-subsidized insurance (ESI) through a current employer at any time in the preceding 18 months are not eligible for MinnesotaCare.
l Section 19.20 - Verification of Assets.
Adds information about verification of trusts.
l Section - Evaluation of Annuities under Transfer Policy.
Clarifies to use Method 2 transfer analysis if the annuity was purchased with funds of the person and his or her spouse within the lookback period or while receiving MA.
l Section - Identifying Types of Trusts.
Separates the information about Special Needs and Pooled trusts to help clarify that these are two different types of trusts.
l Section - Client-Funded Trusts.
n Clarifies when to count trust assets.
n Provides clarification about the waiver of trust value.
l Section - Pooled Trusts.
Clarifies that distributions upon trust sub-account termination applies to the amount not retained by the trust, up to the amount of medical expenses paid through MA on the client’s behalf.
l Section - Third Party Established and Funded Trusts.
n Clarifies when a trust created by a will becomes viable.
n Clarifies the verification requirements.
l Section - Supplemental Needs Trusts.
Clarifies the verification requirements for Supplemental Needs Trusts.
l Section 19.35.10 - MA and GAMC Excess Assets.
Removes out-of-date references to POLI - Temp sections.
l Section 20.25 - Earned and Unearned Income.
Clarifies how to determine total unemployment compensation (UC) income received in 2009. The first $2,400 of UC received in 2009 is not taxable and will not appear on an individual’s IRS form 1040.
l Section 20.25.25 - Seasonal Income.
Clarifies how to determine total unemployment compensation (UC) income received in 2009. The first $2,400 of UC received in 2009 is not taxable and will not appear on an individual’s IRS form 1040.
l Section 23.15.10 - Deductions from LTC Countable Gross Income.
Deletes the reference to bulletin #10-21-04, "Modified Requirements for the MA Deduction for Medical Expenses in the LTC Income Calculation" in this section. Provides a link to detailed information regarding medical expenses in a new section.
l Section - Medical Expense Deduction in the LTC Income Calculation (New).
New section to incorporate changes from bulletin #10-21-04, "Modified Requirements for the MA Deduction for Medical Expenses in the LTC Income Calculation."
l Section 23.15.15 - Verification of Medical Expenses (New).
New section to incorporate changes from bulletin #10-21-04, "Modified Requirements for the MA Deduction for Medical Expenses in the LTC Income Calculation."