This manual letter incorporates Bulletin #10-21-01 ”Changes to Automatic Eligibility Criteria for Newborns in Medical Assistance (MA) and MinnesotaCare” and Bulletin #08-21-07 ”2008 Legislative Changes to Minnesota Health Care Programs” and lists new and revised material for the Health Care Programs Manual. Unless otherwise noted, new and revised instructions are effective September 1, 2010.
Due to the elimination of MAXIS e-mail, instructions for contacting various business areas within DHS have been updated throughout the manual.
Chapter 03 - Eligibility Groups and Bases of Eligibility.
Revisions to this chapter include incorporating Bulletin #10-21-01 ”Changes to Automatic Eligibility Criteria for Newborns in Medical Assistance (MA) and MinnesotaCare.”
Updates made to two sections in this chapter.
Revisions to this chapter include clarification of how to process late renewals.
Chapter 12 - Certification of Disability.
Updates to this chapter incorporate Bulletin #08-21-07 ”2008 Legislative Changes to Minnesota Health Care Programs.”
Chapter 13 - State and County Residence.
Clarifies state residence during institutional placement.
Chapter 15 - Third Party Liability (TPL).
Modifications clarify cost effective health insurance.
Additions and clarifications to multiple sections.
Chapter 22 - Standards and Guidelines.
Annual update to IRS mileage reimbursement.
Updates include new and revised terms.
Chapter 03 - Eligibility Groups and Bases of Eligibility
l Section 03.20.10 - MinnesotaCare for Auto Newborns.
Clarifications made to align the language to the MA auto newborn section. Also incorporated Bulletin #10-21-01, which explains that auto newborns do not need to live with the birth mother to retain auto newborn status.
l Section 03.25.10 - Medical Assistance for Auto Newborns.
Clarifications made to align the language to the MinnesotaCare auto newborn section. Also incorporated Bulletin #10-21-01, which explains that auto newborns do not need to live with the birth mother to retain auto newborn status.
l Section 07.05 - How to Apply.
Additions to this section explain that the original application form is not required when an enrollee submits a photocopied, faxed or scanned application.
l Section 07.05.15 - Application not Required.
Revisions clarify that an application is not needed for auto newborn switching between the MA and MinnesotaCare programs.
l Section 08.20 - MinnesotaCare Renewals.
Additions to this section explain that the original renewal form is not required when an enrollee submits a photocopied, faxed or scanned renewal.
l Section 08.20.05 - Processing MinnesotaCare Renewals.
Information regarding faxed renewals moved to 08.20 MinnesotaCare Renewals.
l Section 08.25 - MA and GAMC Renewals.
Additions to this section explain that the original renewal form is not required when an enrollee submits a photocopied, faxed or scanned renewal.
l Section 08.25.05 - Processing MA and GAMC Annual Renewals.
Clarification added to explain how to process late renewals.
l Section 08.35 - Six-Month Renewals.
Clarification added to explain how to process late renewals.
Chapter 12 - Certification of Disability
l Section 12.15 - TEFRA Referrals to SMRT.
Modifications explain the appropriate forms and timelines required for TEFRA disability determinations by SMRT.
l Section 13.05.05 - Institutional Residence.
Additions emphasize applicants placed by another state in an institution in Minnesota are not Minnesota residents.
Chapter 15 - Third Party Liability (TPL)
l Section 15.05 - MinnesotaCare Other Health Care Coverage Barriers.
Example revised to clarify when not to apply the four-month rule for MinnesotaCare.
l Section 15.10 - Other Health Care Coverage - MA and GAMC.
Revisions explain that there is no requirement for GAMC applicants and enrollees to enroll in other health care that is cost effective.
l Section 15.10.05 - Cost Effective Health Care Coverage - MA.
Updated to explain that GAMC does not reimburse cost effective insurance premiums and clarify cost effective cooperation requirements for MA.
l Section - Determining Cost Effectiveness.
New material in this section explains forms used for cost effective determination and the cost effective calculation.
l Section - Cost Effective Premium Reimbursements.
An example added to illustrate cost effective determination of the Medicare Part A premium and information added regarding Medicare Part B premiums for MA-EPD enrollees.
l Section 19.10 - Excluded Assets.
Additions explain how to evaluate proceeds from the sale of a homestead.
l Section 19.40.35 - Imposing a Transfer Penalty.
Revisions in this section correct an example.
Chapter 22 - Standards and Guidelines
l Section 22.30 - IRS Mileage Rate.
Annual update to IRS mileage reimbursement rate.
l Auto newborn (Revised).