*** The Health Care Programs Manual (HCPM) has been replaced by the Minnesota Health Care Programs Eligibility Policy Manual (EPM) as of June 1, 2016. Please refer to the EPM for current health care program policy information. ***
Effective: August 1, 2008 |
03.45 - Programs for Specific Populations |
Archived: June 1, 2016 (Previous Versions) |
A person’s health care program eligibility is determined by a variety of factors. For some people, this may include being part of a specific population for which there are special eligibility considerations. People in these specific populations include:
l Cash program enrollees, including State and IV-E Adoption Assistance, IV-E Foster Care, General Assistance (GA), Group Residential Housing (GRH), and Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA).
l Recipients of services through the Center for Victims of Torture (CVT).
l Noncitizens who have a medical emergency and would otherwise be ineligible for Medical Assistance (programs MA or NMED) may be eligible for Emergency Medical Assistance (EMA).
l Residents of Institutions for the Treatment of Mental Diseases (IMD)
l People who are not eligible for other health care program coverage and who would like access to pre-pregnancy family planning may be eligible for family planning services through the Minnesota Family Planning Program.
l Refugees who may be eligible for Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA).
l Women who have been screened through the Sage Screening Program (formerly the Minnesota Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program).