Effective: August 1, 2008 |
03.50ar3 - General Assistance Medical Care (GAMC) (Archive) |
Archived: February 1, 2011 |
People who do not have a basis of eligibility for Medical Assistance (MA) may be eligible for General Assistance Medical Care (GAMC). People who have an MA basis of eligibility are not eligible for GAMC.
There are two benefit sets for GAMC - GAMC with full benefits and GAMC Hospital Only (GHO). Each benefit set is based on income and asset levels and whether or not the person is hospitalized.
l People with income less than or equal to 75% FPG and assets less than or equal to $1,000 may qualify for full GAMC benefits.
l People with income over 75% but less than or equal to 175% FPG and assets less than or equal to $10,000 for a household of one and $20,000 for a household of two may qualify for limited coverage while in the hospital through the GHO benefit set.
GAMC and GHO applicants and enrollees must meet eligibility requirements for state residence, citizenship and immigration status, Social Security number, and other requirements as described in this chapter. Also:
l The earliest possible eligibility begin date for GAMC or GHO is the date the agency receives the application or a request to apply for health care programs. Special provisions apply to health care providers who assist certain GAMC applicants with establishing their date of application.
Note: Provider assistance is common for applicants who are hospitalized and are unable to apply due to their medical condition or disability. See Date of Application for further information.
l All GAMC and GHO applicants must meet certain legal criteria, as described in Legal Factors.
For a description of the specific requirements for each type of GAMC eligibility, including Transitional MinnesotaCare, see: