*** The Health Care Programs Manual (HCPM) has been replaced by the Minnesota Health Care Programs Eligibility Policy Manual (EPM) as of June 1, 2016. Please refer to the EPM for current health care program policy information. ***
Effective: June 1, 2012 |
29.05 - IEVS |
Archived: June 1, 2016 (Previous Versions) |
Federal regulations require states to conduct automated data exchanges for applicants and enrollees of federally funded assistance programs to determine if clients are getting benefits to which they are not entitled. The Income and Eligibility Verification System (IEVS) is the means to complying with these federal regulations.
IEVS was initiated by the Deficit Reduction Act (DEFRA) of 1984 and has since had updates with the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act (PRWORA) of 1996.
Providing IEVS Information to Clients.
IEVS is the set of data exchanges with other state and federal sources used to verify income and assets of applicants and enrollees of federally funded assistance programs.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Social Security Administration (SSA) and the MN Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) check clients’ Social Security numbers with information from their data files and send matches of possible sources of unreported income and assets to MAXIS.
MAXIS determines if the person who has a match was an applicant or enrollee for a federally funded program during the period the person received the income.
MAXIS then applies appropriate targeting limits. Targeting limits are used to reduce the number of matches referred for follow-up by the worker. MAXIS produces an IEVS match alert when the dollar amount of the match is at or above the targeting level.
When an alert is received, determine if the client has already reported the information in the match and it is on file or if it is a discrepancy.
See Processing an IEVS Match for specific details on the steps to processing an IEVS match.
Providing IEVS Information to Clients
DHS includes information about IEVS on health care applications and renewals.
MAXIS includes the Notice About Income and Eligibility Verification System and Work Reporting System (DHS-2759) with each CAF sent to applicants and enrollees, including a CAF sent as a health care renewal.
Include the Notice About Income and Eligibility Verification System and Work Reporting System (DHS-2759) with each CAF (DHS-5223) given to applicants. See Combined Manual, Section
ApplyMN includes information about IEVS in its electronic disclosures.
For more information, see:
Types and Frequency of IEVS Matches.