Manual Letter #51

This manual letter lists new and revised material for the Health Care Programs Manual (HCPM). Unless otherwise noted, new and revised instructions are effective June 1, 2012.

This manual letter incorporates bulletins #12-21-01, "Legislative Changes to MinnesotaCare Eligibility for Certain Noncitizen Children and Pregnant Women,” #12-21-04, "ApplyMN: Online Application for Health Care, Cash Assistance, Nutrition Assistance, Child Care Assistance and Emergency Help” and #12-21-05, "Legislative Changes to MinnesotaCare Eligibility for Certain MinnesotaCare Adults Without Children.”

Manual Letter #51 also incorporates sections of bulletin #12-21-02, "Legislative Changes to Noncitizen Medical Assistance (NMED)” that coincide with changes incorporated for bulletins #12-21-01 and #12-21-05. The remaining sections of bulletin #12-21-02 will be incorporated in a future manual letter. For the most current policy regarding legislative changes to NMED, continue to reference bulletin #12-21-02.

This manual letter also includes annual updates to standards and guidelines that become effective July 1, 2012. Additional revisions include updates relating to asset verification, immigration, sponsor deeming, renewal forms, requests for signatures, spenddowns, Food Support Program and pregnancy verification.

Manual Letter #51 includes an update to the Medical Assistance (MA) Immigration Status and Eligibility Table and adds the MinnesotaCare Immigration Status and Eligibility Table. These two tables provide current eligibility and system coding information for noncitizen clients.


Chapter 03 - Eligibility Groups and Bases of Eligibility

Incorporates bulletins #12-21-01, #12-21-04, and #12-21-05. Also provides revisions related to pregnancy verification, sponsor deeming and children with temporary immigration statuses.

Chapter 05 - Client Rights

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04.

Chapter 06 - Client Responsibilities

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04.

Chapter 07 - Applications

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04. Additionally, provides revisions related to requests for signatures and the processing time frame for MA applications for pregnant women.

Chapter 08 - Renewals

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04. Also provides revisions related to requests for signatures and renewal forms.

Chapter 09 - Verification Requirements

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-05.

Chapter 11 - Citizenship and Immigration Status

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-01, #12-21-02, and #12-21-05. Additionally, clarifies immigration policy related to battered noncitizens and undocumented and nonimmigrant people

Chapter 15 - Third Party Liability (TPL)

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04.

Chapter 18 - Deeming Income and Assets

Incorporates bulletins #12-21-01 and #12-21-02.

Chapter 19 - Assets

Clarifies asset verification requirements for MA Method A.

Chapter 22 - Standards and Guidelines

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-05. Updates standards, guidelines and premiums that are effective July 1, 2012

Chapter 23 - MA Payment of Long-Term Care (LTC) Services

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04.

Chapter 24 - Medical Spenddowns

Clarifies information relating Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP) co-payments and deductibles and the designated provider option for spenddowns.

Chapter 25 - Premiums

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04.

Chapter 26 - Notices

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04.

Chapter 29 - Quality Assurances

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04.

Chapter 30 - Other Related Programs

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04.


Revises the definition of five terms and adds two new terms.


Clarifies information related to revised and obsolete forms.

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Chapter 03 - Eligibility Groups and Bases of Eligibility

l  Section 03.05.05 - Change in MinnesotaCare Eligibility

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-01 by adding instructions to redetermine eligibility to include sponsor income and assets following the end of the 60-day postpartum period for MinnesotaCare households that were previously exempt from sponsor deeming because the household composition included a pregnant woman if the pregnancy has ended and there is no child in the household.

Also instructs workers to screen MinnesotaCare enrollees who lose parental status for MA for adults without children if the enrollees are citizens or noncitizens who qualify for federally funded health care and their income is at or below 75% of the federal poverty guidelines (FPG).

l  Section 03.05.10 - MinnesotaCare Major Program and Eligibility Type

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-01 by clarifying that children under 21 and pregnant women enrolled on MinnesotaCare who become incarcerated during enrollment are only eligible for major program KK. Those not incarcerated are eligible for major program LL.

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-05 by introducing eligibility types M5 and M6 for MinnesotaCare adults without children. Eligibility type M5 qualifies for federally funding while eligibility type M6 does not. Eligibility type M1 now only applies to enrollees of MinnesotaCare for Volunteer Firefighters and Ambulance Attendants (MVFAA).

Also adds clients requesting MVFAA as potentially eligible for major program BB.

l  Section 03.15 - Enrollee Becomes Pregnant

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-01 by adding instructions to stop sponsor deeming effective the month of conception or back to the first full month of coverage, whichever is earlier, for any MinnesotaCare household that includes a sponsored noncitizen while a woman in the household is pregnant.

l  Section 03.20.05 - MinnesotaCare for Pregnant Women

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-01 by clarifying that sponsor deeming of income or assets should not be applied to MinnesotaCare households that include a pregnant woman or child under the age of 21 who is applying or enrolled in MinnesotaCare. The revision to this section also clarifies that MinnesotaCare is federally funded for U.S. citizen and lawfully present noncitizen pregnant women who are not incarcerated and state-funded for those who become incarcerated during enrollment. Adds language to clarify that undocumented and nonimmigrant pregnant women are not eligible for MinnesotaCare but may qualify for CHIP-funded MA or Emergency Medical Assistance (EMA) if they meet Minnesota residency requirements. Also clarifies that pregnant women who are citizens or lawfully present noncitizens must follow citizenship verification requirements or immigration status requirements. Workers are instructed to validate the immigration statuses of eligible noncitizen pregnant women using the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) system.

Updates pregnancy verification requirements to include any written verification of pregnancy from a provider as long as the verification includes the estimated date of conception.

l  Section 03.20.15 - MinnesotaCare for Children Under 21

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-01 by clarifying that sponsor deeming of income or assets should not be applied to MinnesotaCare households that include a pregnant woman or child under the age of 21 who is applying or enrolled in MinnesotaCare. An additional revision clarifies that children under age 21 are eligible for federally funded MinnesotaCare unless they become incarcerated during enrollment, in which case, they are only eligible for state-funded MinnesotaCare. Also clarifies that children who are undocumented or have a temporary nonimmigrant status are ineligible for MinnesotaCare but may be eligible for EMA.

l  Section 03.20.20 - MinnesotaCare for Adults With Children

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-01 by clarifying that parents and relative caretakers who are U.S. citizens or have an immigration status that qualifies them for federally funded health care are eligible for federally funded MinnesotaCare. Noncitizens with immigration statuses that do not qualify for federal funding qualify only for state-funded MinnesotaCare.

l  Section 03.20.25 - MinnesotaCare for Adults Without Children

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-05 by requiring that a person who is eligible for MinnesotaCare for adults without children must comply with citizenship verification if he or she is a U.S. citizen or immigration status verification if he or she is a noncitizen. Adds instructions for workers to use SAVE to validate the immigration statuses of noncitizen adults without children. This section also clarifies that the MinnesotaCare funding source for noncitizen adults without children depends on their immigration status and household income.  

Additionally, clarifies that adults without children who have income at or below 75% FPG are not eligible for MinnesotaCare if they are eligible for MA.

l  Section - Disabled Adults Without Children

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by removing a reference to the Minnesota Health Care Application (HCAPP) and replacing it with the term, application.

l  Section 03.20.30 - MinnesotaCare for Volunteer Firefighters and Ambulance Attendants

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by clarifying that ApplyMN cannot be used to apply for MVFAA.

l  Section 03.25.05 - Medical Assistance for Pregnant Women

Updates pregnancy verification requirements to include any written verification of pregnancy from a provider as long as the verification includes the estimated date of conception. Also revises the time frame to process an MA application that includes a pregnant woman to 15 working days.

l  Section 03.25.15 - Medical Assistance for Children Under 21

Adds clarification that children under the age of 21 who have temporary immigration statuses are not eligible for MA. An update is also added to clarify that children under age 21 are not subject to sponsor deeming to align policy in this section with other sections of the manual.

l  Section 03.45.30 - Medical Assistance for Breast/Cervical Cancer

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by adding ApplyMN as an application option for Medical Assistance for Breast and Cervical Cancer (MA-BC). The revision to this section also includes removing a reference to the HCAPP and replacing it with the term, application.

Also clarifies that women who are screened and found to need treatment through the Sage Screening Program should apply for MA-BC.

l  Section - Application process for MA-BC

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by adding ApplyMN as an application option for MA-BC and removing references to the HCAPP with the term, application.

Also instructs workers to contact an applicant for any missing information if the applicant submits an application designed for a different population.

l  Section 03.45.35 - Minnesota Family Planning Program

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by adding ApplyMN as an application option for the Minnesota Family Planning Program (MFPP). Also adds more specific language developed by CMS that allows an MFPP applicant to opt-out of providing information about other health insurance only if they would be at risk for physical or emotional harm by reporting that information. Also replaces references to the DHS Family Planning Unit with MinnesotaCare.

l  Section - Application Process for Minnesota Family Planning Program

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by adding ApplyMN as an application option for MFPP. Provides additional information about the actions an MFPP provider takes when completing an MFPP presumptive eligibility determination. Also replaces references to the DHS Family Planning Unit with MinnesotaCare.

Additionally, instructs workers to contact an applicant for any missing information if the applicant submits an application designed for a different population.

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Chapter 05 - Client Rights

l  Section 05 - Client Rights

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by clarifying that ApplyMN allows clients to view Minnesota Health Care Programs (DHS-3182) and requires confirmation that they have reviewed Domestic Violence Information (DHS-3477). Also clarifies that ApplyMN provides clients information about their civil rights.

l  Section 05.05 - Limited English Proficiency

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by clarifying that clients with limited English proficiency (LEP) can receive assistance submitting an ApplyMN application by either using a multilingual referral line (MRL) or by contacting their county agency. The revision to this section further clarifies that the date a client with LEP contacts an MRL or a county agency for assistance is the date of application. Also provides information about the steps that must be taken by an MRL liaison in assisting a client with ApplyMN.

l  Section 05.10 - Data Privacy

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by clarifying that ApplyMN provides clients the Notices of Privacy Practices. Also replaces specific references to the HCAPP and Combined Application Form (CAF) with general references to applications and forms.

Chapter 06 - Client Responsibilities

l  Section 06.05 - Cooperation

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by adding ApplyMN to the list of applications on which a client must assign his or her rights to other health coverage by signing the application. Also replaces specific references to the HCAPP and CAF with general references to applications and forms.

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Chapter 07 - Applications

l  Section 07.05 - How to Apply

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by adding ApplyMN as an application option for clients applying for MHCP.

l  Section 07.05.05 - Applications for MHCP

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by providing information about how ApplyMN, including its smart application features, save and submittal features, health care programs for which it can be used, client rights and responsibilities and application routing.

Also updates references to the Food Support Program (FS) to its new name, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

l  Section 07.05.10 - Application Required

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by adding information that clients will also need to submit a new application for MA if an application submitted for SNAP through ApplyMN was acted on before the client requests MA.

Also replaces references to FS with SNAP.

l  Section 07.05.20 - Applications after Nonpayment of MinnesotaCare Premium

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by replacing references to the HCAPP with the term, application.

Also replaces references to FS with SNAP.

l  Section 07.10 - Where to Apply

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by clarifying how ApplyMN routes applications to MHCP processing entities, including which type of county MinnesotaCare enrollment sites will receive MinnesotaCare-only ApplyMN applications.

This update also includes information about tribal enrollment sites and the programs they administer. Also replaces references to FS with SNAP.

l  Section 07.15 - Who May Apply

Removes the stipulation that spouses can apply on their spouse’s behalf only if the other spouse is unable to do so.

l  Section 07.15.05 - Application Signature

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by revising the signature requirements for health care applications, including when a designated authorized representative is involved. This section also provides information about the electronic signature for ApplyMN, including how a client can electronically sign an ApplyMN application and what constitutes a reasonable representation of a client’s name. Also clarifies the options available to MRL liaisons, community partners, social workers and county workers who assist clients with ApplyMN when a signature is needed and the client is not physically present.

The update to this section also removes a reference to DHS-3555, Request for Signature Letter, which will become obsolete with the publishing of this manual letter. Instructions are added to use DHS-3271, Request for Information, to request missing signatures.

l  Section 07.15.10 - Authorized Representatives

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by referring workers to Section 07.15.05, Application Signature, for policy regarding signature requirements when a designated authorized representative is involved.

Also clarifies that the default policy is for a designated authorized representative to receive all forms and copies of eligibility and premium notices unless the client indicates otherwise.

l  Section 07.15.15 - Minnesota Health Care Programs and Incarcerated Individuals

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by adding ApplyMN as an application option for clients that are incarcerated, but only if the Department of Corrections case manager assisting the client is able to electronically attach DHS-3443, Individual Discharge Sheet, to ApplyMN. An additional revision to this section provides clarification about how the incarcerated client should report county of residence information on their health care application, including on ApplyMN applications.

l  Section 07.15.20 - Minnesota Community Application Agent

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by adding ApplyMN as an application option for which Minnesota Community Application Agents can assist clients. The update to this section also clarifies how to determine the date of application on an ApplyMN application.

Also replaces references to the HCAPP and CAF with general references to an application when the information applied to all health care applications, and replaced general references to MHCP applications with references to the HCAPP and CAF when the information related specifically to those two applications.

l  Section 07.20 - Processing Applications

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by adding ApplyMN as an application on which informed choice is an option. This section also adds instructions for workers to review MAXIS, MMIS, and MEC2 and determine if any needed verifications have been received by another agency.

l  Section 07.20.05 - Date of Application

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by clarifying how the date of application should be determined on ApplyMN applications, including applications submitted by clients with LEP with the assistance of a MRL or county agency. Adds that an application submitted with ApplyMN, even if incomplete, is sufficient to set the date of application because ApplyMN requires applicants to provide a name and address prior to submittal.

Also replaces references to FS with SNAP.

l  Section 07.20.15 - Processing Periods

Updates the processing time frame for an MA application that includes a pregnant woman to reflect working days instead of calendar days. This means that a pregnant woman’s application should be processed in 15 working days, an interview should be scheduled within five working days of the date of application if requested by a pregnant woman and eligibility should be determined within 10 working days of the date of the interview.

l  Section 07.20.35 - MinnesotaCare with Retroactive MA

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by adding ApplyMN among the applications on which a client can request retroactive MinnesotaCare.

l  Section 07.20.40 - Shared or Transferred Applications

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by clarifying that an ApplyMN application should not be transferred to a county agency if the client requests MinnesotaCare only and MinnesotaCare Operations determines the client to be ineligible. An ApplyMN application should be evaluated for MinnesotaCare or transferred to MinnesotaCare Operations if the client does not specify a health care program or requests all programs and is denied MA eligibility.

l  Section 07.20.45 - How to Transfer and Receive an Application

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by clarifying that ApplyMN applications can be transferred electronically and refers workers to the ApplyMN Worker Process guide for instructions on how to complete an electronic transfer.

l  Section 07.20.55 - Informed Choice

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by adding ApplyMN among the list of applications on which a client is provided with informed choice options. Also provides clarification about how to process an ApplyMN application if no choice or all programs is selected.

l  Section 07.30 - Case Notes

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by adding instructions for workers to enter case notes if a client with LEP submits an application with the assistance of a MRL. Instructs workers to include the MRL liaison’s name and contact information in the case notes.

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Chapter 08 - Renewals

l  Section 08.10 - Renewal Forms

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by adding ApplyMN among the list of applications that are acceptable if submitted in place of DHS-3418, Minnesota Health Care Programs Renewal.

The update to this section also removes a reference to obsolete DHS-3555, Request for Signature Letter, with a reference to DHS-3271, Request for Information, and replaces references to FS with SNAP.

l  Section 08.15 - Renewal Signature

Incorporates bulletin #21-21-04 by removing renewal signature requirements that are no longer applicable. Workers are directed to Section 07.15.05, Application Signature, for the current policy.

Also replaces a reference to obsolete DHS-3555, Request for Signature Letter, with a reference to DHS-3271, Request for Information.

Chapter 09 - Verification Requirements

l  Section 09.05 - Mandatory Verifications

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-05 by moving U.S. citizenship and identity verification to the list of mandatory verifications that apply to all programs.

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Chapter 11 - Citizenship and Immigration Status

l  Section 11 - Citizenship and Immigration Status

Adds a reference to the MinnesotaCare Immigration Status and Eligibility Table.

l  Section 11.05 - U.S. Citizenship and Identity Verification Requirements

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-05 by adding MinnesotaCare for adults without children to the list of programs that require verification of U.S. citizenship and identity.

l  Section 11.05.10 - Process for Verifying U.S. Citizenship and Identity

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-05 by removing language that limited U.S. citizenship and identity verification for  MinnesotaCare to families with children.

This section also updates the citizenship and identity verification process for MinnesotaCare to include the MMIS automated citizenship and identity verification process.

l  Section 11.10.05 - Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE)

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-05 by removing language that limited SAVE verification for MinnesotaCare to families with children.

Also incorporates bulletin #12-21-02 by removing the requirement to use SAVE for enrollees on NMED who are not receiving services from the Center for Victims of Torture.

l  Section 11.15 - Funding Health Care for Noncitizens

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-01 by adding information that pregnant women and children under age 21 must also be incarcerated to qualify for state-funded MinnesotaCare under major program KK.

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-05 by adding that adults without children can qualify for federally funded MinnesotaCare under major program BB. Clarifies that major program BB can also apply to noncitizen adults without children who have an immigration status that only qualifies for state-funded MinnesotaCare.

Also provides information that legal guardians and foster parents who qualify for state-funded MinnesotaCare regardless of immigration status or date of entry are eligible under major program JJ.

l  Section 11.20 - Federally Funded Health Care

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-01 by clarifying that pregnant women and children under age 21 are eligible for federally funded MinnesotaCare.

Also adds that the immigration statuses listed in the section qualify for federally funded health care regardless of date of entry or length of residence in the United States. An additional update clarifies that other nonpregnant noncitizen adults may qualify for federal or state-funded health care depending on their length of residency or military service.

l  Section 11.20.05 - Amerasian Immigrants

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-05 by adding major program BB as a possible major program for which an Amerasian immigrant could qualify for federally funded MinnesotaCare.

l  Section 11.20.10 - American Indian Noncitizens

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-05 by adding major program BB as a possible major program for which a noncitizen American Indian could qualify for federally funded MinnesotaCare. Also refers workers to the U.S. Department of the Interior Indian Affairs for a list of federally recognized tribes.

l  Section 11.20.15 - Asylees

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-05 by adding major program BB as a possible major program for which an asylee could qualify for federally funded MinnesotaCare.

Additionally, clarifies that clients who receive services from the Center for Victims of Torture may be eligible for state-funded MA (NM/GS) even if they have income or assets in excess of the MA limit.

l  Section 11.20.20 - Cuban/Haitian Entrants

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-05 by adding major program BB as a possible major program for which a Cuban or Haitian entrant could qualify for federally funded MinnesotaCare.

l  Section 11.20.25 - Refugees

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-05 by adding major program BB as a possible major program for which a refugee could qualify for federally funded MinnesotaCare.

Also adds instructions for workers to consider eligibility for refugees, Amerasians, ayslees, Cuban/Haitian entrants and victims of trafficking for Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) if they are ineligible for MA due to excess income or assets. The income and asset limits are confirmed to be higher for RMA.

Additionally, clarifies that clients who receive services from the Center for Victims of Torture may be eligible for state-funded MA (NM/GS) even if they have income or assets in excess of the MA limit.

l  Section - Conditional Entrants

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-05 by adding major program BB as a possible major program for which a conditional entrant could qualify for federally funded MinnesotaCare.

l  Section 11.20.30 - Trafficking Victims

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-05 by adding major program BB as a possible major program for which a trafficking victim could qualify for federally funded MinnesotaCare.

Additionally, clarifies that clients who receive services from the Center for Victims of Torture may be eligible for state-funded MA (NM/GS) even if they have income or assets in excess of the MA limit.

l  Section 11.20.35 - Withholding of Removal

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-05 by adding major program BB as a possible major program for which a client granted withholding of removal could qualify for federally funded MinnesotaCare.

Additionally, clarifies that clients who receive services from the Center for Victims of Torture may be eligible for state-funded MA (NM/GS) even if they have income or assets in excess of the MA limit.

l  Section 11.20.40 - Afghan and Iraqi Special Immigrants (renumbered)

Formerly Section 11.25.20, this section was renumbered under subchapter 11.20, Federally Funded Health Care, because noncitizens with this immigration status qualify for federally funded health care.

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-05 by clarifying that Afghan and Iraqi Special Immigrants are potentially eligible for federally funded MA or MinnesotaCare without regard to their date of entry or length of residence in the United States.

Instructions are also added to consider eligibility for RMA, MinnesotaCare, and EMA, based on what is most beneficial for the client, if an Afghan or Iraqi Special Immigrant is ineligible for MA due to excess income or assets.

Additionally, clarifies that clients who receive services from the Center for Victims of Torture may be eligible for state-funded MA (NM/GS) even if they have income or assets in excess of the MA limit.

l  Section 11.25 - Federally or State-Funded Health Care

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-01 by clarifying that pregnant women and children under age 21 qualify for federally funded health care unless they are incarcerated while enrolled in MinnesotaCare. Also adds that undocumented and nonimmigrant pregnant women with a temporary immigration status may qualify for CHIP-funded MA or EMA.

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-02 by noting that state-funded NMED ended March 1, 2012. Adds that noncitizens previously eligible for NMED may qualify for state-funded MinnesotaCare for parents and relative caretakers or adults without children if they meet all other eligibility criteria. Clarifies that noncitizens who receive services from the Center for Victims of Torture remain eligible for state-funded MA if they do not qualify for federally funded MA.

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-05 by clarifying the qualifications needed to be met for adults without children to qualify for federally funded MinnesotaCare.

The revision to this section also includes reorganizing the information according to health care program and providing the qualifications needed to be met to qualify for federally funded health care. In the case of MinnesotaCare, qualifications are also provided for state-funded health care.

Additionally, clarifies that non-pregnant adult noncitizens with an immigration status of lawful permanent resident (LPR), battered noncitizen, or immigrants paroled for at least one year may qualify for federally funded health care regardless of their date of entry or length of residence in the United States if they meet an exemption due to military service.

l  Section 11.25.05 - Battered Noncitizens

Instructs workers to a battered noncitizen’s length of residence in a qualified status beginning with the date the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) sends a notice of approval of the self-petition or a notice of prima facie determination.

l  Section 11.25.25 - Other Lawfully Present Noncitizens (renumbered)

Formerly Section 11.30.05, this section was renumbered under subchapter 11.25, Federally or State-Funded Health Care, because other lawfully present noncitizens now may qualify with either federally or state-funded health care. This section also incorporates information that was formerly included Section, Micronesians, Marshall Islanders, and Palauans.

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-01 by clarifying that lawfully present pregnant women and children under age 21 qualify for federally funded MinnesotaCare. A note was added to clarify that pregnant women and children under age 21 are only eligible for state-funded MinnesotaCare if they become incarcerated during enrollment.

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-02 by removing the statement indicating that other lawfully present noncitizens who are nonpregnant adults over the age of 21 may qualify for state-funded MA with a parent, blind or disabled basis of eligibility. This is replaced by a statement indicating that other lawfully present noncitizens who are nonpregnant adults over the age of 21 may qualify for state-funded MinnesotaCare if they are blind, disabled, parents, adults with children, foster parents and relative caretakers.

Additionally, adds a reference to the MinnesotaCare Immigration Status and Eligibility Table.

l  Section 11.30 - State-Funded Health Care

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-05 by clarifying which immigration statuses are potentially eligible for state-funded MinnesotaCare.

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-02 by clarifying that state-funded MA is available to noncitizens who are receiving services from the Center for Victims of Torture if they are not eligible for federally funded MA.

l  Section 11.30.10 - Undocumented and Nonimmigrant People

Clarifies that nonimmigrants who are admitted on a temporary basis are usually not eligible for MA or MinnesotaCare. Also adds that nonimmigrants who are admitted on a long-term basis, such as nonimmigrants with a T-visa or citizens of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, or Palau, may be eligible for state or federally funded MA or MinnesotaCare.

l  Section 11.35 - Changes in Immigration Status

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-01 by clarifying that nonpregnant adults who do not have a federally funded immigration status must cooperate with USCIS to adjust to a federally funded immigration status. Also adds that noncitizens who entered the United States with a  federally funded immigration status are not required to cooperate with USCIS to adjust their immigration status.

l  Section 11.35.05 - Adjustment Requirements for Other Lawfully Present Noncitizens

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-01 by clarifying that pregnant women and children under age 21 who have a status as other lawfully present noncitizens are eligible for federally funded health care if they meet other eligibility requirements.

The following section is archived because the information in the section was incorporated into another section:

l  Section - Micronesians, Marshall Islanders, and Palauans

The following sections are archived because they were renumbered under a different subchapter of the manual:

l  Section 11.25.20 - Afghan and Iraqi Special Immigrants

l  Section 11.30.05 - Other Lawfully Present Noncitizens

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Chapter 15 - Third Party Liability

l  Section 15 - Third Party Liability

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by adding ApplyMN as an application on which clients must assign their rights to third party liability (TPL) to DHS as a condition of eligibility.

Chapter 18 - Deeming Income and Assets

l  Section 18.05 - Sponsor Deeming

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-01 by adding sponsor deeming exemptions for MinnesotaCare households that include a pregnant woman or child under age 21 who is either applying for or enrolled in MinnesotaCare.

l  Section 18.05.05 - Sponsor Deeming Program Provisions

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-01 by adding an exemption to sponsor deeming for MinnesotaCare households that include a pregnant woman or child under age 21 who is either applying for or enrolled in MinnesotaCare.

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-02 by updating an MA sponsor deeming example that implied that a lawful permanent resident who had not resided in the United States for at least five years is eligible for MA.

An additional revision to this section includes moving information pertaining to MA sponsor deeming for noncitizen pregnant women and children under age 21 from the beginning of the MA sponsor deeming section to the end of that section.  

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Chapter 19 - Assets

l  Section 19.20 - Verification of Assets

Clarifies that asset verifications for MA Method A for parents and relative caretakers must be dated within the last 30 days.

Chapter 22 - Standards and Guidelines

l  Section 22.05.05 - 75% FPG

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-05 by clarifying that 75% of the federal poverty guidelines (FPG) is the minimum income allowed for a client to qualify for federally funded MinnesotaCare. Also adds that clients with income below 75% FPG who do not qualify for federally funded MinnesotaCare may qualify for state-funded MinnesotaCare.

Also updates the 75% FPG standard that will become effective July 1, 2012.

l  Section 22.05.10 - 100% FPG

Updates the 100% FPG standard that will become effective July 1, 2012.

l  Section 22.05.15 - 120% FPG

Updates the 120% FPG standard that will become effective July 1, 2012.

l  Section 22.05.20 - 135% FPG

Updates the 135% FPG standard that will become effective July 1, 2012.

l  Section 22.05.25 - 150% FPG

Updates the 150% FPG standard that will become effective July 1, 2012.

l  Section 22.05.30 - 175% FPG

Updates the 175% FPG standard that will become effective July 1, 2012.

l  Section 22.05.35 - 185% FPG

Updates the 185% FPG standard that will become effective July 1, 2012.

l  Section 22.05.40 - 200% FPG

Updates the 200% FPG standard that will become effective July 1, 2012.

l  Section 22.05.45 - 215% FPG

Updates the 215% FPG standard that will become effective July 1, 2012.

l  Section 22.05.50 - 250% FPG

Updates the 250% FPG standard that will become effective July 1, 2012.

l  Section 22.05.55 - 275% FPG

Updates the 275% FPG standard that will become effective July 1, 2012.

l  Section 22.05.60 - 280% FPG

Updates the 280% FPG standard that will become effective July 1, 2012.

l  Section 22.20.05 - MinnesotaCare for Volunteer Firefighters and Ambulance Attendants Premium

Updates the new premium that will become effective for MVFAA enrollees beginning July 1, 2012.

l  Section 22.35 - SAPSNF

Updates the SAPSNF amount that will become effective July 1, 2012.

l  Section 22.45 - Long-Term Care Services

Updates the home maintenance allowance, maintenance needs allowance, basic shelter allowance and minimum monthly income allowance that will be effective July 1, 2012.

l  Section 22.50 - Remedial Care Expense

Updates the remedial care expense that will become effective July 1, 2012.

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Chapter 23 - MA Payment of Long-Term Care (LTC) Services

l  Section 23.05 - Long-Term Care Consultation

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by adding ApplyMN as an application option for Long-Term Care (LTC) services.

Chapter 24 - Medical Spenddowns

l  Section 24.10.05 - Monthly Spenddowns (Automated)

Clarifies that co-payments and the MA family deductible are applied to the recipient amount of the monthly spenddown. Adds that clients can submit verification of the incurred co-payments or MA family deductible monthly or at renewal, and instructs workers to recalculate the recipient amount when the co-payment or MA family deductible is verified. Additional details regarding actions taken by the Minnesota Department of Human Resources (DHS) and providers are also provided.

l  Section - Designated Provider Option

Provides revised instructions on how clients and designated providers must complete the revised DHS-3161, Request for Designated Provider Agreement.

l  Section 24.10.10 - Six-Month Spenddown

Clarifies that co-payments and the MA family deductible are applied to the recipient amount of the six-month spenddown. Adds that clients can submit verification of the incurred co-payments or MA family deductible monthly or at renewal, and instructs workers to recalculate the recipient amount when the co-payment or MA family deductible is verified. Additional details regarding actions taken by the Minnesota and providers are also provided.

l  Section 24.15.15 - H Bills

Clarifies that co-payments and the MA family deductible can be claimed as a health care expense. Additional details regarding how each can be applied are provided.

l  Section 24.15.25 - P Bills

Removes information relating to co-payments.

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Chapter 25 - Premiums

l  Section 25.05.35 - Premium Exemption for Military

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by replacing a reference to the HCAPP with the term, application.

Chapter 26 - Notices

l  Section 26 - Notices

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by adding ApplyMN to the list of applications for which a 10-day advance notice must be sent if a client enrolled in MHCP completes the application for a new program, the ongoing coverage is not due for renewal, and the information on the application indicates that the client is no longer eligible for MHCP.

Also replaces references to FS with SNAP.

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Chapter 29 - Quality Assurances

l  Section 29.05 - IEVS

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by clarifying that ApplyMN includes information about IEVS in its electronic disclosures.

Chapter 30 - Other Related Programs

l  Section 30.15 - Nutritional Needs

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by adding ApplyMN as an application option for SNAP.

Also updates references to FS with SNAP.

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l  Glossary A-F

Incorporates bulletin #12-21-04 by adding the term, ApplyMN, to the glossary.

Revises definitions to the following terms to replace references to FS with SNAP:  CAF, Combined Application Form, Current Contact, Food Stamps and Food Support Program.

l  Glossary G-L

Updates the definition to the term, lawfully present noncitizen.

l  Glossary S-Z

Adds Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program to the glossary.

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l  DHS-3161: Request for Designated Provider Agreement (revised)

This form was redesigned to include a new section to be completed by the designated provider. The designated provider must provide its National Provider Identifier (NPI) or Unique Minnesota Provider Identifier (UMPI) and clarify the client’s monthly service cost in the new section. Workers will use the monthly service cost information to ensure that the provider will be or is providing services that equal or exceed the client’s recipient amount each month.

l  DHS-3555:  Request for Signature Letter (obsolete)

This form will become obsolete with the publishing of this manual letter. Workers are now directed to send DHS-3271, Request for Information, to request missing signatures.

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